Last Week for Building Projects

Make a Pattern Students were to finish the pattern and then create their own pattern. This was kept for GOLDS assessments. Teaching Strategies GOLD 23. Demonstrates knowledge of patterns Hacer un patrón Los estudiantes debían terminar el patrón y luego crear su propio patrón. Esto se mantuvo para las evaluaciones GOLDS. Estrategias de enseñanza ORO 23. Demuestra conocimiento de patrones Sort Buildings Students were to sort the buildings by color, shape, and details with their groups. Teaching Strategies Gold 22. Compares and measures Ordenar edificios Los estudiantes debían clasificar los edificios por color, forma y detalles con sus grupos. Estrategias de enseñanza Gold 22. Compara y mide Letter Ww and Number 12 Students are learning how to recognize, write, and say the sound of the letter Ww. Students also learned about a Pentagon Shape- Try to find all these things around your house or neighborhood :) Teaching Strategies Gold...