Christmas is Coming!
Christmas is coming!
Students are helping decorate the room for Christmas! We have the tree up and are making decor for the room and tree.
Students were to draw in their journal on what they did over Thanksgiving break.
Students were to make a pattern with Christmas Lights.
Students rolled the dice and got that many bows in their pile. At the end of 2 minutes. Students counted how many bows they collected - the one with the most won!
Decorate your plate! Students painted a paper plate green and then once it dried, they could decorate it however they liked. Once they were all dried. Mrs. Jarecki put them together to make a Christmas tree.
Mrs. Kristen brought in ducklings to show the AM preschool. She also helped preschoolers add art to their part of the tree.
Letter Oo
Students that are going to Kindergarten next year are working on their letters and handwriting. This week, students learned the letter Oo and the sound of the letter Oo. Try to find the letter O's around your house.
Students that are 3 years old- work on the letters in their name :)
Students practiced an intruder drill. We NOW know what to do to be safe!
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