Student of the Week- March 

Student of the Week- April 4th 

Letter Yy and Zz and Number 4 

4 year old students have learned all of their letters now! Keep reviewing- I am still working on the GOLD assessment and can not wait to share it with you on your last home visit before SUMMER :) 

For the 3 year old students- keep working on the letters in their name and letters in their environment. 

Students and Chicks 

Mrs. Wemhoff's class hatched out baby chicks. The AM and PM students were invited to come on over and check them out. 

Mr. Nygren 

AM students played with Mr. Nygren for recess! THEY LOVED IT! 

Week of the YOUNG CHILD! 


PJ Day- Movie Monday 


Build your own snack 


 Make your own art- check out your child's backpack to see what they made.   


Work together...Check out what they made. (I will upload this picture next week- paint is still drying) 


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