Plant Unit- Week 1 (Plant Expert)

 Student of the Week 

Alumno de la semana

Number 6 

Número 6

Plant Expert 

Mrs. Brenda (Mrs. Jarecki's Mom) came to school to teach students about plants. They planted green bean seeds, sunflowers, and a bulb. Students learned that there are many different kinds of seeds. Seeds needs dirt, water, and sun to grow. 

Experto en plantas

La Sra. Brenda (la mamá de la Sra. Jarecki) vino a la escuela para enseñar a los estudiantes acerca de las plantas. Plantaron semillas de judías verdes, girasoles y un bulbo. Los estudiantes aprendieron que hay muchos tipos diferentes de semillas. Las semillas necesitan tierra, agua y sol para crecer.

AM- Viking Voices 

The AM students listened to the Viking Voices on Wednesday morning. 

AM- Voces Vikingas

Los estudiantes de AM escucharon Viking Voices el miércoles por la mañana.

PM- Journal 

Students were to draw that they reminder when Mrs. B was here yesterday.


Los estudiantes debían dibujar un recordatorio cuando la Sra. B estuvo aquí ayer.

Observation Log 

Students drew and wrote the words to what was happening to their green bean plant. Each week, we will log what is going on with the plant. 

Registro de observación

Los estudiantes dibujaron y escribieron las palabras de lo que le estaba pasando a su planta de judías verdes. Cada semana, registraremos lo que está pasando con la planta.


I will share the results during Homevisits- I will be scheduling them soon and sending you a paper to pick your date and time. I have 26 home visits to do in two days SO I am planning on completing some after school during the week. PLEASE LET ME KNOW SOON if you would like to do them after school.   



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